Prolotherapy: Get Rid of the Pain Without Going Through Surgery


If you are like most other Americans living today, chances are you have some sort of joint or muscle pain. Since Scottsdale, Arizona has such great mountains for hiking (such as these:, the chance of having these pains may actually be increased. One of the most common types of pain involves the knee. There […]

Keep Running with Prolotherapy

Runners are naturally prone to injuries. That is the fact of the matter but, that doesn’t mean that every runner should have to deal with the pain that comes with the sport! No runner wants to deal with the hassle of surgery, but many think that it is their only option to get rid of […]

Joint Arthritis: How to Ease the Pain

RIT Can Help Ease the Pain from Arthritis

Whether your joint arthritis came from skiing, running, playing too many sports when you were younger, or from simply getting older, it can be a real inconvenience. Joint pain can ruin your day, week or even your year. All of that cracking and popping is not only annoying, it is also painful! Adult Stem Cell […]