How long until I can exercise?

Most patients can resume their routine exercising within a few days after the procedure. We recommend that patients start out by doing about 25% of their usual amount of exercise, then keep increasing the level as it is comfortable. If you run or enjoy vigorous aerobics, feel free to wear the compression garment we give […]

How long before I can go back to work?

Many of our patients are able to return to work the next day, depending on the areas treated. All patients should be able to return to normal desk-type work within 1 to 2 days and although soreness and tenderness will limit the speed with which a patient can move about, patients should be reasonably comfortable […]

How much bruising or swelling will I have?

Because DreamBody’s revolutionary technique causes far less tissue trauma and inflammation than traditional liposuction , bruising and swelling are minimized. DreamBody Specialists use only small insertion points, which do not require stitches. Therefore, our patients experience much less bruising and swelling than conventional liposuction techniques.

Will the DreamBody advanced liposuction procedure leave scars on my body?

The incisions made by our highly trained and experienced specialists are tiny and placed as inconspicuously as possible. Since there are no stitches there are usually no visible scars. The original incision marks on most patients are difficult to identify in 12 months and usually fade away with time.

Will I be awake or under general anesthesia?

You will be wide awake because our remarkable new techniques are so minimally invasive that they only require simple local numbing of the skin, NOT heavy anesthesia. This translates into far faster recovery, less downtime and most importantly, the safest possible means of performing liposuction DreamBody even offers nitrous oxide (laughing gas) during the procedure […]

What happens if I gain weight after liposuction?

If you gain weight after liposuction , you will gain it proportionally in areas that were treated. It is possible to gain weight again in the treated areas, but not to the same extent as prior to the procedure since a high percentage of the fat cells in that area have been permanently removed.

Will I get fat in weird places after I have liposuction?

No! It is a common, but false, myth that the fat removed by liposuction grows back in other places after the procedure. The number of fat cells your body possesses was determined by the time you went through puberty. Once you become an adult your body does not make any more fat cells.

How experienced are DreamBody Doctors and the others working in the DreamBody team?

All DreamBody physicians are board certified specializing in liposuction surgery. DreamBody physicians are highly-trained in this specialty and have performed countless liposuction procedures around the country. Moreover, we believe that a team approach gives patients the highest degree of attention and care. Each member of the DreamBody team is committed to this specialty and our […]

How much fat can the Advanced DreamBody Liposuction Procedure remove?

DreamBody Specialists can safely remove up to 70% of the fat in a treated area. The percentage of fat removed depends on the amount of fat present, the fibrosity of the patient’s fat (some patients have harder fat than others), and the aesthetic goal to be achieved. A good way to estimate your final results […]