IV Vitamin & Mineral Therapy

Women who suffer from high blood pressure, fatigue, depression, mental clarity, asthma, migraines, infections, or fibromyalgia notice the best results when they receive IV Vitamin and Mineral Therapy DreamBody creates customized therapies depending on the symptoms of each patient.

IV Vitamin & Mineral Therapy

Men who suffer from high blood pressure, fatigue, depression, mental clarity, asthma, migraines, infections, or fibromyalgia notice the best results when they receive IV Vitamin and Mineral Therapy DreamBody creates customized therapies depending on the symptoms of each patient.

Chelation Therapy

More than half of the women who die from heart disease experience no prior symptoms. Chelation therapy can aid with the blockage of blood vessels by plaque helping reduce artery disease.

Chelation Therapy

Chelation therapy can help men with blood flow and improve circulation. Chelation therapy can aid with the blockage of blood vessels by plaque helping reduce artery disease.


The HCG diet is known as the “obesity cure” and can help you lose a half a pound to one pound a day. It is a pregnancy hormone that tricks the body into thinking it is eating, while really excreting fat. HCG can also be done with liposuction to help lose weight and then take […]


The HCG diet is known as the “obesity cure” and can help you lose a half a pound to one pound a day. Men usually see better results than women when on the HCG diet. The HCG diet preserves lean muscle mass, and only attacks the fat, which is a plus for men who are […]

Trigger Point Injection

Women use Trigger Point Injection to help treat many muscle groups such as arms, legs, lower back and neck. Trigger Point Injection can be used to treat fibromyalgia and tension headaches Women also use TPI to help relieve vulvar, pelvic and sexual pain.

Trigger Point Injection

Trigger Point Injection or (TPI) is an option for pain management . Trigger Point Injection can be used to treat fibromyalgia and tension headaches . Studies have shown that men seek this pain management who suffer from Chronic Prostatitis and Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome

Prolo Therapy

Women seek prolotherapy when suffering from chronic pain and to form new ligament tissue in weak areas. Women are usually more tolerant than men during prolotherapy sessions. It is best used for musculoskeletal pain, arthritis, back and neck pain, sports injuries, whiplash injuries, carpal tunnel syndrome, sciatica and herniated discs

Prolo Therapy

Prolotherapy is an injection procedure to strengthen tendons and ligaments that are painful or weakened from injury. Prolotherapy is best for males to help with musculoskeletal pain, arthritis , back and neck pain, sports injuries, whiplash injuries, carpal tunnel syndrome , partially torn tendons and herniated discs