Supplements: What Do They Do and Are They Right For You?


Walking into any vitamin store with walls of health supplements and dietary pills can be intimidating and overwhelming. Many of us aren’t sure whether we need to take supplements, and if we do, which ones out of the thousands of bottles on the wall we should purchase? Each individual has different health needs; likewise, each […]

Slow Down the Aging Process with Human Growth Hormone


Human Growth Hormone, more commonly referred to as HGH, is a hormone made up of a long chain of amino acids (191 to be exact). This hormone has been turned into a form of anti-aging medication. As we age, the thought of anti-aging becomes more and more prominent. Through the use of hormone replacement therapy, […]

Anti-Aging & Anti-Wrinkles at DreamBody!


Estrogen deficiency causes skin dehydration thus causing small, sharp wrinkles especially above the upper lip and corner of the eyes. The vaginal wall becomes thin and dry from lack of estrogen, a common complaint in menopause. Applying bioidentical Estriol, E3 cream to the face will keep the skin soft and thick, without causing estrogen excess. […]

Prolotherapy: Get Rid of the Pain Without Going Through Surgery


If you are like most other Americans living today, chances are you have some sort of joint or muscle pain. Since Scottsdale, Arizona has such great mountains for hiking (such as these:, the chance of having these pains may actually be increased. One of the most common types of pain involves the knee. There […]

How-To Effectively Mix Different Health & Wellness Treatments


At our Medical Center, we offer a long list and wide variety of health benefiting treatments and services. Have you ever wondered if mixing some of these different treatments was a good idea? Well to your surprise, we actually suggest that some of our services and treatments be done at the same time or in […]

Supplements 101


  What if we told you that the healthy foods that once provided you with enough nutrients to live a strong life, no longer do? Although that may sound crazy and impossible, with the constant changes in farming and agricultural techniques, those foods no longer provide us with the appropriate amount of nutrients that our […]

Keep Your Pipes Clean! – Hypertension and Blood Pressure

Better Opinion on Hypertension

Hypertension is the number one risk factor for heart disease and stroke. Hypertension is a slowly progressing disease of the arteries and begins twenty years before high numbers and symptoms may be recognized. There are 60,000 miles of vessels in your body; transporting oxygen, food, hormones, waste and your immune system. Vascular disease starts early; […]

Stay Stimulated This Hot Summer


  During summer, the Arizona heat can cause tendency for a person to move from an active lifestyle to a dormant, inside routine. Plenty of studies have shown that even keeping active with indoor activities can help both your body and mind age. Researchers from the Mayo Clinic (Minnesota, USA) studied 197 men and women, […]

Sick of Getting Old? “Anti”- Aging Treatments Can Help

Anti-aging treatments at DreamBody Medical Centers in Scottsdale, AZ offers treatments to help with any form of aging.

Aging is unavoidable but making you look and feel younger isn’t! At DreamBody, we offer treatments ranging in service type that can help both men and women look and feel younger. Skin, weight, and pain are three of the most common physical and aesthetic problems that come along with aging. Whatever your aging problem is, […]

Human Growth Hormone – An Education


Growth Hormone is a hormone composed of a long chain of amino acids, 191 to be exact. Under normal physiologic conditions, growth hormone is secreted by the anterior pituitary gland. This is a gland that lies at the base of the brain in a bony cavity called the Sella Turcica. In addition to growth hormone, […]